Polar RS800G3 Multisport GPS Computer Heart Rate Monitor Watch with FREE USB 2.0 Interface

Customer Review: RS800G3
I normally train for races w/ both a heart rate monitor and a gps watch(garmin 201). I have used a Polar F11 for a few years and it finally died on me(partially my own fault). I was psyched to see that polar now offered a combo unit so I ordered the watch. The heart rate function is for the advanced user and is very good. The watch is completely programmable and takes some time to figure out, not a big deal. My one complaint about the HR function is that it's not compatible w/ cardio equipment at the gym. During nasty weather days or for speed work, I'll sometimes hit the treadmill. The HR strap uses a different freq, so it doesn't show up on the treadmill readout. The polar f11 didn't have this incompatibility problem. My biggest complaint is with the GPS function. Having used gps watches extensively, I am familiar with their limitations. Unfortunately this unit seemed much more susceptible to errors due to terrain and other factors. In fact the pace function was mostly unusable, bouncing between a 12min/mi to a 5min/mi while at a steady 8min/mi pace. Later, while running a race with a buddy who was using the garmin 305, we continually compared readouts. Again my watch was all over the place while his was very consistent. I ended up returning the watch and will wait for the new garmin forrunner 405. I sent an email to Polar with the same critique and hope they will be able fix these issues.
Customer Review: WARNING - Great Sports Watch, but no GPS logging
Great improvement over the Polar S625X as far as usability and relability of the telemetry HR is concerned, but - the GPS only tracks speed and distance, but you cannot download logging data to map where excactly your run or bike got you to and - the Infrared interface is pretty much a design fault, as you have to hold the receiver directely over the watch în an uncomfortable postion, as it is IR end on the watch is so badly located. In conclusion: If you have already a Polar Watch like the 625, save the money. If you want a top-of-the line Polar with improved usablity, this is an option (except IR interface) If you want to visualize your run or bike on Google Earth, get a Garmin Forerunner 305 (rather bulky and HR difficult to read).
Many people think that it is necessary to hire a private investigator (costing thousands of dollars) when you want to know where someone is spending their time. However, if you are willing to put modern technology to work for you can find out the same information without the huge expense of hiring a P.I.
It is now possible to track someone using a small GPS tracking device that uses military satellites to find someone's location to within feet of there actual position. There are basically two types of GPS trackers.
GPS Logger - Think of a logging device as a sort of video recorder that records the locations, speed traveled, time spent at locations and so on. So if you are wanting to know where your partner has been spending his/her time this tracking device can be very helpful. It is also a great tool for verifying that your partner is being truthful as to his/her whereabouts. For example your partner is spending time at someone's house or meeting them at a motel, or says that he/she is working late, with the logger you will know exactly where he/she has been and for how long. This device is very small and totally self contained.
I have used many different models and the most reliable and easiest to use is the Professional Mini Tracker.
Simply place the GPS tracker in or on the target vehicle using the magnetic mount. When you are ready to view the information you take it off or out of the vehicle and connect it to a USB port on your computer to download the information. You can then view the route and location of the vehicle on a satellite image, on a map or in a text format. You can also save the information on your computer or burn it to a compact disk to present as evidence later.
If you want to have the ability to know where they are in real time without removing the device from the vehicle you will need to go with a real time GPS tracker. Please see part two of How To Track Your Cheating Spouse - Know where they are & where they have been using GPS to learn about my favorite real time GPS tracker.
My name is Scott Young. I am a licensed Private investigator, I also own a spy store in Fort Worth Texas.
Click here to learn more about GPS Trackers
If you would like to know more about hidden spy cameras, phone recorders and many other spy products for the do it yourself spy please visit my website http://www.eyespysupply.com
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